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Spy X Micro Gear Set

SKU: MUK10151
Ages: 6+
Perfect Spy Toy Gadgets: 4 cool & real spy tools for kids: Micro Ear Light, Invisible Ink Pen, Micro Motion Alarm & Micro Listener plus adjustable utility belt for spy kids with endless activities of spy role play!\n\nProduct of the Year: Creative Child Magazine for Product of the Year award winner! Spy science kit designed for spy kids to use different stylish spy gears & complete secret mission! Educational & fun Spy costume set for ages 6 and up.\n\nAll You Need to Become a Spy: With this bundle of 4 unique spy surveillances, your junior secret agent will be able to see in the dark, read & write secret messages, protect their lair, and listen to secret conversations from afar!\n\nCarry All the Spy Gears: The hand-free spy gear set includes adjustable utility belt with attached clips to carry your spy stuffs so you're ready to spy at any time!\nPrepare Yourself for the Next Mission: Collect all 28 SpyX toys for the ultimate jr spy/detective/ninja activities! Perfect Halloween / Christmas / Thanksgiving / Birthday spy toy gifts for boys & girls!


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