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Mini Pink Donut

SKU: SQU101522

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Ages: 0+
Embrace your inner coolness (and embrace your Mini Squishable Donut too!), knowing that your plush pastry uses only the coolest, hippest of spellings!

There have been many great debates throughout history: Should we use direct current or alternating electric current? Is the game called "Duck, Duck, Goose," or "Duck, Duck, Grey Duck?" (looking at you, Minnesota). Who's on first? But the most important debate of all: is it spelled "Doughnuts" or "Donuts"?

No less than writer Washington Irving first described a delicious sampling of "dough-nuts", which he also noticed seemed to be drawing a large crowd of local law enforcement agents. And so it was spelled, until the hippest of hip youths a century later started spelling it "Donut."
  • 7 squishy inches of trendily-spelled dessert
  • All new polyester fiber

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