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Labyrinth Team Edition

SKU: RV27328

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 Ages: 8+

Players: 2-4

 Play Time: 30-45 min

In Labyrinth: Team Edition, everyone plays together against Daedalus, the spirit of the labyrinth. Round by round, players flip through Daedalus' spellbook to learn what obstacles he has placed in their way. Can they use their magic well, move the walls, and find all the hidden treasures before the last page of the book is turned? That's the only way they can win.

Labyrinth is considered one of THE classic board games by Ravensburger. Since its release over 3 decades ago, this unique game mechanism has evolved into a celebrated family game concept. If you count all of the foreign language versions, there are over 60 varieties worldwide.

This constantly changing maze game has brought enjoyment to young and old alike for generations and continues to join families at the game table. Try to collect all of your treasures by shifting the walls of the Labyrinth to create a clear path to reach them. But beware, the paths are constantly moving. This aMAZEing game is magical!


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