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Fire Truck Rescue 100pc

SKU: RV13329

Ages: 6+

Pieces: 100 XXL

Dimensions: 19.3" x 14.2"

Sound the alarm and help douse the flames with our “Fire Truck Rescue” puzzle!

Save the day with the brave people who come to the rescue! Fortunately, the firefighters have safely rescued everyone in the burning building. The quint truck has its aerial ladder in position, while the fire engine will pump up to 1,500 gallons of water to extinguish the flames. Overhead, the helicopter crew keeps an eye in the sky, ready to lend a hand. Our exclusive illustration is full of captivating details — a perfect puzzle for future firefighters and young fire station fans alike!

Puzzles help develop hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills and problem-solving through repeated practice. This 100-piece puzzle has extra-large, durable pieces little hands can easily hold on to for lots of repeat fun! Clean-cut pieces and Ravensburger’s tight interlocking fit provide a pleasurable puzzling experience for children and their adult helpers alike. With piece counts children can grow with, our Perfect Age Fit criteria ensures this puzzle is fun and educational for ages 6 and up!

About the Artist: A prolific artist, Greg Paprocki always pushes the limits of his imagination. His creativity, drive and careful attention to detail is reflected in his distinctive art. Though he is a one-man shop, Greg’s polished, inventive work evokes the skill set of an entire team of artists, and his talent is evident in the many memorable illustrations he’s created.

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